Saving Sprinkles

February 24, 2019


To Save Sprinkles, you must find and scrifice precious memories to create the potion of life.


Game Engine: Unity 2D

Team Size: 7

Development Time: Two days over the course of a Game Jam

Design Goals

To create a game around the theme of "Sacrifice".

Create compelling and interesting levels.

Roles and Tasks

Lead Designer: Designed the level as well as adventure style point and click features

Programmer: Game functionality, UI & menu functionality, player capabilities, inventory system

Design Implementation

Sprinkles is your beloved pet that has gotten dangerously ill. The only way to save your pet is by getting a potion from the pajama wizard. The wizard tells you that you must sacrifice precious memories to create the potion. Go look around and find your precious memories and save sprinkles!

Saving Sprinkles is a point and click adventure games. The game originally began with being an object finding game. We decided to add adventure elements to give the player a more interactive feeling when playing the game. Some objects are hidden, and players must use items to interact with the world.

During this project, it was the first time I worked with raycasting as well as creating a simple inventory system. I progressed a lot as a programmer as a well as designer. The biggest hurdle during this project is making sure that everything gets finished. In a two-day period, we may have planned for too much for the amount of manpower we had. But overall, the project was a success, and we were able to push out the game before the deadline.


Current Versions:
